Tuesday, July 22, 2008

garage sale madness

We had a garage sale in May to raise money for the adoption. We asked friends to donate things for us to sell. We ended up without use of our garage for nearly three months (Mar-Ap-May) and so much stuff to sell we were completely overwhelmed. I wish we had taken a picture of our garage. It was piled five to six feet high with stuff. This is what it looked like on the day of the sale. Crazy, crazy, crazy is all I can say. It took hours for Andy and me and my very good friend Angie to unload everything from our garage and out into the open. Andy's mom came to help and another dear friend Christina came to rescue us all from exhaustion! It was hot, hot, hot and busy. We planned on doing the sale the next day as well (Saturday), but that was when the record amount of rain poured down all day and we had to postpone the sale until the following weekend. That day was just as hot and busy. We had tons and tons of things leftover. We sent what seemed like a million bags of clothing to a local church that was taking clothing donations to Honduras for a mission project. We took the leftover toys and household things to Goodwill. So, even the leftovers went to a great cause. All in all, we made about $1,500 from the two days! That is the cost of one plane ticket to China. We were so grateful. But, YIKES, it was a ton of work! And my, oh my, do we all have too much "stuff" in our lives.

1 comment:

Erica Russell said...

Oh my goodness! That is the craziest garage sale I have ever seen!!!