"He is a very interactive, sweet, smiley, and snuggley little boy...you will so enjoy him and it appears bonding may not be so difficult...at least from appearances! He imitated right away in English too!!"
"Julia and Andy....your son is SOOO ADORABLE!!!!! We were at Chengdu CWI today and recieved our son...when we asked if we could see your son and give him your package and take pictures...they just lit up like Christmas trees!! They LOVE him there. The worker said to me "He is very fat or chubby and has a lot of personality, he is a lot of fun!" Then she pointed at another lady and said "he is her favorite!". They brought him in and WHAT A DOLL BABY!! Ohh boy he is so happy and spunky! He just smiled and smiled. We put your package in a ziplock for travel and then decorated it with curly red and gold ribbons last night so he would feel like he was opening a present. When he saw it he just beamed. They told him it was from his Mama and Baba..then he turned to me and said with enthusiasm and a big smile....Mama! Baba!!! He kept saying that as he looked at me and I said Yes!! uh..No! and we opened the package and showed him the pillow and pointed at you and said Mama, Baba! He smiled and looked at you with such a happy face!! He hugged the pillow.....we kept trying to get a good photo but our camera is soooo crumby we missed most of the smiles but got a bunch of photos...I will send them to you a little at a time as it takes so long here!! He is very loved and very well taken care of there. He is a super happy boy and I didnt think he was fat or chubby at all...maybe bc his checks are full. He has a little scrape on one of his cheeks but he looks GREAT otherwise!! He is very loving and went to all the ladies and to me very easily"......
Oh my gosh, you must be BESIDE yourself with joy!!! I can't believe this, what a BLESSING that this family was able to bring a care package for you, and send PICTURES back! He sounds like an amazing little boy. I am so glad that they are taking good care of him, until his Mama and Baba come for him. HURRY UP CHINA!
Julia, wow!! He's so cute!! He looks so sweet. What a wonderful blessing to have so many details. We will continue to pray things speed up. Hang on...the time will go faster than you think. I'm so happy for you!! Start packing. It will be here before you know it.
I am crying tears of joy!
What a blessing.
Little Caleb will always have a very special place in our hearts!!
His smile, his eyes.....
We are praying like crazy for China to move the paper work along!
xoxo Michele
He is SO sweet-looking! *green with jealousy*....
Most likely, before bathtime one ayi comes through with a armful of clothing and throws an appropriate size on this bed for him to be dressed in after the bath. They never look at colors/gender-- they quickly lay out whatever will fit for the huge amount of children they will be handling all at one time!
I've never seen them let a child dress himself at that age...especially in cold season.
[I know..not real important...just giving you a look into why he is probably dressed girly!]
Can I leave a message on my own post? Yeah, I can, right? Do any of you know who the above Kay Bratt is? She recently published a book about working in Chinese orphanages (Silent Tears). So, she knows first hand what the day to day life is like for our little Caleb. I have had her book on my "to read" list for months now. I'm going to get it this weekend. Don't call me on Saturday, I'll be reading it...and likely crying all day. julia.
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