Friday, March 27, 2009

can i just say....aaaaaaaaaaaaaghhh!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh. There. I said it. I. Am. Emotionally. Drained. And. At. My. Breaking. Point. Can I also just say Paradise Bakery, Chick-fil-A, sweet tea and peanut M&Ms? Enough said about that. I'll be on the treadmill a bit longer this weekend.

It's 2:00 and I swear I've lived a whole week in few short hours today. I had to go to the library. Check. That was the fun part of the day. Ya, fun, I know! Then I went to Papa Murphy's for pizza for tonight. Good as well. You can't really mess that up or get too upset about preparing to NOT have to cook tonight! Then it got messy. I had to go to the UPS store to drop off paperwork for Andy's job and there was a line 10 people long and only one worker. So after waiting in line for a while and realizing I would have to wait forEVER, I decided to leave. Then it was off to the real post office to send our visa applications to Washington D.C.. Does everyone in the world except me know that you can't FedEx documents at the post office? I rarely send anything in my own mailbox at home...I certainly didn't know that you have to go to the UPS store (as opposed to the post office) to send something through FedEx. Well, I was NOT going back to the poor lady at that store who probably had 20 people waiting in line by now. So, the visas did not get sent today. Then I called to see if the nice cis lady had reviewed our papers and found out that she still did not have our adoption agency's revised paper at her desk. I made several phone calls and emails to eventually arrange for our adoption agency to give the cis lady the tracking # of the document. If the cis lady can find the missing paper (it's in the building somewhere, just not on her desk) then we WILL get our i800 approval today. Then it will be faxed immediately to our adoption agency which will then send it to China today! IF.....our missing paper can be tracked down today. Oh, and I also went to the bank today and had to, you guessed it, wait on a sweet old lady who I think wanted her checkbook balanced for her. I tried to sit and wait patiently. But, seriously, I did not need another lesson in waiting. It was almost funny. But wasn't.

Now, I know that anyone who hasn't already been through this process or in the middle of it probably is thinking what the big deal is. Well, at times my husband thinks the same thing (!). But I can not separate my emotions from this whole paperwork mess. Every delay, every "uh oh", every missed deadline, every "just another day" added to the wait, every phone call I have to wait on, every voice message I leave just adds up and turns me into an emotional mess. And then add the fact that another month is just days away. A month that was supposed to be the beginning of a new season with our son. We never ever thought we'd be still waiting in spring. Never.


Andrea said...

I know you are exhausted!
But...You get to go to the zoo in Guangzhou in the SPRING!!!
So ya got that goin' for ya.
Today is Friday and you want get anything done with the visas on Stat, anyway.

If you send it Monday it will be there Tuesday am or Wednesday am and you can have it back by Friday if you send your own Fed-Ex envelope.
It's all good , Mama...go enjoy that Pizza!!!;)


trina said...

Seems like yesterday that I was doing the same run-around-paperwork chase. But it wasn't yesterday...and we have our little guy...who is getting very chubby...needs a haircut...and is oh so cute. It will happen!! Hang on. Not much longer. Don't miss the blessings in the ride. I can say that now..since I know what it's like to miss the blessings during the ride of the journey. You are sooooo close! Yep..sweet tea would make me feel better,too...oh and chocolate..yep..that would help.

Kay Bratt said...

Cheer up, this whole process is like child birth--torture to go through but you'll forget about the pain and want to do it all over again one day!