July 2009 UPDATE: Caleb is quite possibly the cutest 4 year old Chinese boy ever. Really. This is truth. Granted, this IS his mom speaking...but I will say that others have confirmed this as well!
At the time I began this blog, the following was about all we knew of Caleb. I'm happy to say that we know much, much more about him now. We are growing more and more in love with him each day.
Caleb is a three year old boy living in an orphanage in Chengdu, China. He was abandoned at a temple when he was three days old. He has a repaired cleft lip and palate and has never known the love of a family or the name of Jesus. We are waiting for the day we can bring him into our home. He already has a place in our hearts.
Psalm 139:15-16 "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
I have been married for 16 years and my husband still makes me laugh every day. He spends his days working as a physical therapist but would really love to hang out at home with the rest of us all day. We have four children and one waiting for us in China. My kids are either making me laugh our making me crazy-o. My goal is to have more laughter than not each day and even if it makes it by .001% then I'm calling it a good day. I homeschool our kids even though I swore I never would. Our family is looking less and less like the "norm" and I'm ok with that. I kind of like it.
Wow! Congrats! I'm so excited for you. I hope Blogger isn't blocked when you go.
I am going to be glued to your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww....I'm so excited for you!!! One more week. I cannot wait. Happy packing.
Oh Julia! What great, great news! I have goose bumps for you! Just a few more days, just a few more days....
YEAAAAAAA!!! Can't wait to meet you Caleb;0)
I can't wait to see your updates from China! Finally....Caleb is coming home. Couldn't be happier for you guys! Would love to meet him when we are in Indy sometime!
Praying for you this week! God bless you both! :)
Awesome! Many blessings for you and your sweet family!
I've been thinking of you all weekend, of the packing you must be doing and the excitement in your home!
Can't wait to follow along as your journey continues!
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